
File manager+ Apk download

File manager+ Apk download

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File Manager Plus is an Android application that acts as a file manager in any Android phone to protect and protect all the photo files in your phone's storage including storage in different types of folders.  In this application, some extra features are available from the normal file manager, so the name of this application is named File Manager Plus.  You can also use this application in any small Android app on your Android phone.


The phone which is unable to open its own file manager app properly or its file manager is not working, then download and use this file manager plus application there or it will show your phone's storage and memory here and it  Will tell how much of your storage is left and how much you have used, how much you have stored in your personal files, photos, videos, other contents in your phone and how much your phone's storage is left free which you can use  So all this information is told and shown in this file manager plus group only.  By creating any folder in the manager, you can put any song, music software app or any file of your choice by creating the name of the folder and you can see it in the gallery of your phone.
In File Manager Plus application, you will get many types of features which are not present in other file manager application such as id folder then in id folder you can hide any existing folder like if you have kept some of your private things in a folder  If so, you can hide it by going to settings or hide it from people so that no one will be able to see what you have put in which folder, then if these features are not available in any other then this is a very good teacher so that you can make your own  With the help of this setting, you can keep your private or personal things in the phone well protected in the File Manager Plus application.


1.  Saudi is low MB application which can be used in any small or big phone easily.

2.  By creating a folder, you can start and keep your personal photos, videos, files, applications etc.

3.  A variety of extra features are available that make its accessibility setting even better

4.  Hide Any File and Folder feature is mainly available on

5.  Just go to the Settings of File Manager Plus Application and select Hide and File and Folder and add the folder and hide it from all

6.  The information about how much the phone's storage is empty and how full is visible from the file manager is the achievement of the group.

7.  Easily downloads and runs on any Android phone no matter what version of the phone

File Manager Plus Application is an extra feature application so this application is called File Manager Plus Application so you can download and use it from all apk feel and use it in any of your android phone.  The special thing is that it runs in all types of Android phones, no matter what version of Android phone it is, it is easily downloaded and its rate is very good and its size is very less, so it can be downloaded easily.  Installs immediately and does not allow any problem with the phone.  So install and use the file manager application and enjoy all the features.

App informations

Package name File Manager plus
Version 2.6.9
Downloads 50M+
Publisher Apkfeel
Released on Oct 19, 2015
Support in Android devices
Offered by File Manager Plus
File size 5 MB
How to download Click on the button below

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